Yes I know I said it three times but that is how it feels these days, sometimes I wonder about the projects I take on. For the last few months I have been busy slaving away my other site on building an online underdark campaign setting. The initial idea came from a conversation I was having with a friend about the lack of online campaign settings done with original content and detail. When we first talked it sounded more like two people just stealing air but the more I thought about it the more I realized how right we were, there are just so few sites with actual good stuff you can use in your game. Most sites you find are just cut and past jobs from either other sites or "copywrite" sources, kind of a shame too. If you were around when the web was young and TSR stopped you from doing anything on the internet you might understand what I mean because you couldn't do anything back then without drawing fire of a cease and desist letter.
So whats a person to do?
One region I noticed that was especially hit by these kind of things was the underdark, barely a detailed map available to use and the resources for running a campaign were just sad. This is dungeons and dragons we are talking about, it has been around for decades with millions of players and this is what it has become. I am writing this several months into the project and while it has been fun and richly rewarding in many ways it is also a huge task, something tells me I am learning why this isn't done much. I do think in the end though it will be well worth it and something that will be usable as a whole to many games in the future.
If you wish to take a look at the progress here are a few links to get you started:
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