Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gingrich's ex-wife claims he sought an 'open marriage'

First let me state, no one really knows if he did or didn't want this and we all know how pissed off an ex can be.  At this time it is mostly he said she said kind of stuff but given Newt's track record with adultery in his past can this really be that farfetched?  Do any of these candidates have a clue or politicians for that matter? 
I personally am more or less an independent or as I like to call it, I vote for the smartest person in the room.  As an independent I really and I do mean really hoping for a good election this year, two candidates who knew what they were doing and we would have a solid choice to make.  The reality is the republican field is so week I think Hillary Clinton should join them and make her run for office, I know it sounds part funny and strange but she would clean the floor with these people.  Then you have Rick Perry, he came into this election field as if was a rock star, until people stopped for a moment and heard what he had to say and believed in.  Does this man get drug tested because he seriously is drinking some the same pool Sarah Palin is and it isn’t pretty.  Only thing going for Rick Perry at this point is at least he didn’t quit as governor of Texas.
Free advice for Newt Gingrich, your ex is going to bury you so you might want to balance the books and get out now. 

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